Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Virtual Reality Game For Xbox One

Virtual Reality Game For Xbox One
(Picture: i4u.com)
The technology of Virtual Reality (VR) is rapidly growing and popular today. Despite Microsoft focus on the development of the technology of Augmented Reality by creating HoloLens. But eventually Microsoft will apply the technology of virtual reality in the next generation Xbox One console with support the virtual reality headset Oculus Rift.

Microsoft has confirmed it has been in cooperation with the developers of games for game development virtual reality in their flagship platform, the Xbox One. Developers have also confirmed that they are developing a virtual reality game for the Xbox One. The game will be released in 2017 and will be shown in front of the public ata the E3 event later, but there has been no word on date and the month of its release.

Unknown as to what types of games that are developed by the developer. However it is said that the game was developed by famous game developer that came from Europe. The developer of the rumored to not only develop games for platform Xbox One, but also for the platform PC and PlayStation 4.

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Microsoft does not like Sony, which will launch PlayStation VR for $399 in October. Microsoft thus not open about their plans for console based virtual reality. Back in 2014 and then, Microsoft executives said that the company was waiting to see the development of the technology of virtual reality first before applying it to the Xbox One.

It is hoped the presence of the virtual reality technology on Xbox One later can compete with virtual reality on the next generation PlayStation console made by Sony. We just look at how competition both companies compete in a virtual reality game next year.

Source: arstechnica.com , okezone.com

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